The impact of Proud to Work
It is critical for Proud to Work MN (PTW) to exist today. We are proud that the work being done here in Minneapolis, Minnesota, has a lasting effect in our home state. But PTW’s reaches beyond Minnesota, into the global world. But how does that happen when PTW is a local event? Why is that important?
Local Proud to Work
First, PTW is a Minnesota specific effort to advance LGBTQ+ employment equity through building inclusive workplace culture and creating accessible inclusive employment for LGBTQ+ talent. Full of breakout sessions, panels, and intentional conversations, PTW focuses on educating and informing employers about inclusive workplace culture and creating accessible employment opportunities for LGBTQ+ folks.
Mossier wants PTW to be a hub of conversations and opportunities for the LGBTQ+ community in the workplace. These conversations allow and create space for learning and growth. Organizations and companies are given the opportunity to hear directly from LGBTQ+ community members what they need from a workplace and are then given ways to create that safe space. The goal is to create inclusive and diverse workplaces across Minnesota.
With all this work we want to do, Mossier decided to challenge itself to grow. PTW is now a two-day event, with Minnesota’s first-ever state-wide LGBTQ+ Career Fair. The conversations from the conference on the first day will drive the second day, where attendees can apply the knowledge they learned to connect with LGBTQ+ folks and allies. This is thrilling for Mossier: we’re tackling something new and challenging ourselves to grow. We know that PTW is incredibly important, not only to LGBTQ+ folks in Minnesota but to those in the community around the world.
Mossier’s Global Work
PTW’s impact on a local level seems fairly straightforward. But how does PTW’s impact reach globally?
The money raised from PTW sustains Mossier so that we can continue the global work we do. Our global work is focused on investing in LGBTQ+ entrepreneurs around the world. PTW allows us to proudly put 100% of our donations toward our different global projects. As of right now, we’re invested in a chicken farm in Kenya that employs LGBTQ+ women, a transgender-owned pig farm in Uganda, and the organization Proactividad in the Dominican Republic, which provides sexual health training for individuals with HIV/AIDS, and are also in the process of becoming a tour operator.
While at the surface, it may seem that PTW and our global work aren’t connected. But there is a direct correlation between the success of PTW and Mossier’s ability to support LGBTQ+ folks globally
The future of PTW and Mossier
The future of PTW is exciting! As Mossier grows, so does PTW. As the event gains traction in the LGBTQ+ community and the corporate world, the need for more specific events will be needed. Conferences and Career Fairs with a focus of inclusivity can become industry- or experience-specific.
We are especially thrilled about the near future of PTW, which is Proud to Work MN 2020. The breakout sessions and panels that will be offered will cultivate great conversations with LGBTQ+ folks at the center of it all. PTW will be an educational, impactful, and memorable experience for everyone involved.
Mossier is ready and beyond excited to see how PTW unfolds in its new role!