Mossier ERG Pulse Survey Template

Staying on the pulse of the LGBTQ population within an organization is an essential need for all LGBTQ employee resource groups. The following questions are suggested material for an LGBTQ Pulse Survey. In general, a good ERG Pulse Survey should include:

  • What should the ERG start, stop and continue doing?
  • How frequent and through which channels do members want to receive ERG communications?
  • What are the barriers that have prevented people from becoming more active in the ERG (lack of time, not receiving communications, concerns about HR or ally  involvement, unclear ERG value proposition)
  • What format do they want to engage with the ERG (in-person, hybrid, virtual)?
  • Are people interested in serving in leadership or as a volunteer? 

Organizations are highly encouraged to customize and add questions that are unique to your specific organization. Additional questions could relate to:

  • Different experiences across different offices/geographies
  • If there is a concern that the group is dominated by straight allies, you could ask something to gauge how people feel about ally involvement
  • Ask optional demographic questions to explore the intersections of race, gender and sexuality in the responses
  • Is there direct feedback for LGBTQ ERG leaders on how they can be more effective?
  • Is there direct feedback for the ERG executive sponsor and/or HR/DEI leads on how they can be more effective?
  • Did you run specific events or programs in the last year that you want feedback on?

Sample Questions

  1. How often do you attend Pride ERG events?
    1. Every time
    2. Most of the time
    3. Sometimes
    4. Rarely
  1. What would you like more of from the Pride ERG?
  1. What would you like less of from the Pride ERG?
  1. What would you like the Pride ERG to keep doing?
  1. Which of these activities should the Pride ERG focus on? Rank from least to most interested.
    1. Creating space to network with LGBTQ people, community building
    2. Planning LGBTQ events like Pride celebrations, National Coming Out Day, etc.
    3. Organizing volunteer opportunities at LGBTQ-serving nonprofits
    4. Pushing for LGBTQ-friendly policies at our organization
    5. Providing professional development, lunch & learns or training opportunities for LGBTQ employees
    6. Support recruitment and retention of LGBTQ employees
    7. Other (text box)
  1. What have been your barrier(s) to becoming more involved with the Pride ERG? Select all that apply.
    1. I don’t receive information about the Pride ERG activities
    2. I am burned out with my day job/don’t have time with my day job
    3. I feel that I won’t be included in the group
    4. I am not interested in virtual events
    5. I am not interested/can’t attend in-person events
    6. I don’t see how the group will help me professionally
    7. I don’t see how the group will help me personally
    8. I don’t think the Pride ERG is a focused ERG
    9. Other (write in)
  1. What format do you want to engage with the Pride ERG?
    1. Virtual Only
    2. In-person Only
    3. Hybrid
  1. Would you be interested in volunteering with the Pride ERG?
    1. Yes, ask for name
      1. If yes, ask for name
    2. No
  1. If yes, in what way(s) would you like to serve?
    1. I am interested in helping to plan an event
    2. I am interested in helping with communications
    3. I am interested in helping with group operations
    4. I am interested in leading a policy or advocacy initiative
    5. I am interested in being on the leadership team
    6. I am interested in managing group finances
    7. I am interested in member recruitment and/or new member onboarding
    8. Other (write in)
  1. We’re going to be having some conversations about what’s coming next for this ERG. Is there anything we should consider that will help strengthen your involvement?
  1. What could the Pride ERG do to get you more involved?

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